
Mostrando entradas de enero, 2022

36. Using Cl@ve (IV). TroubleShoting

 1. When copying the jars from the kit folder to the Tomcat lib folder, remember to remove the prefix "00_" to the jars and the version of the serializar.jar 2. The environment variable must be exported as (don't forget the last "/"): export CLAVE_SP2_CONFIG_REPOSITORY=/home/ximo/CLAVE20_CONF/SP/ 3. Verify that the environment variable is set: env | grep SP 4. The <url>tag  in the <repositories>tag in the pom.xml of the project should be <repositories> <repository> <id> repoDependencias </id> <name> repoDependencias </name> <!-- <url>file://Dependencias</url> --> <url> file:///home/ximo/WORKSPACES/WS_CLAVE20/SP/Dependencias </url> </repository> </repositories> 5. If you are not a recognized "Service Provider" with your "certificate", you won't be able to test the services. So when you get the cert...

35. Using Cl@ve (III). Deploying to Tomcat

1. Start up Tomcat Go to the folder  /home/ximo/MyPrograms/apache-tomcat-8.5.73/ bin   and execute  ./startup.sh  to test if tomcat runs, with chrome pointing to the url http://localhost:8080 and click Manager App  Type tomcat and tomcat  as you defiend in the users.xml file in the conf folder of Tomcat And the application manager is displayed 2. Deploy the file SP2.war to Tomcat 1. Copy the SP2.war file from the folder /home/eduard/WORKSPACES/WS_CLAVE20/SP/target to the Tomcat folder: /home/ximo/MyPrograms/apache-tomcat-8.5.73/ webapps   2. Refresh the browser and the SP2 application will be displayed in the application manager Press the "Arrancar" button and should work

34. Using Cl@ve (II). Using Eclipse

 0. Introduction Any mention to "ximo", should be replaced by an existing user name Make sure you have followed all the required steps in the previous post 1. Rename the folder  1. Create a folder (for storing the Eclipse workspace): /home/ximo/ WORKSPACES/WS_CLAVE20 2. Copy the folder   /home/ximo/CLAVE20/Curso Tecnico Cl-ve 2/kit/Paquete de Integracion Java 8 2-0-2/ Paquete_Integracion_Java_Clave_2_0 into  /home/ximo/WORKSPACES/ WS_CLAVE20 3. Go to the /home/ximo/WORKSPACES/WS_CLAVE20 and rename the folder name  Paquete_Integracion_Java_Clave_2_0 to SP  2. Open Eclipse and select a jdk 1.8.xx 1. Download a jdk 1.8. xx(you can use  adopt ) (for instance in the folder /home/ximo/MyPrograms) 2. Uncompress the file 3. In Eclipse select this jdk Window-> Preferences -> Java -> Installed JREs   and s elect the folder where the JDK is Apply and Close 3. Import the project to the Workspace 1. Switch to the workspace  /home/ximo/WORKSPACES...

33. Using Cl@ve (I). First steps

0. Introduction Any mention to "ximo", should be replaced by an existing user name 1. Install Apache Tomcat 8.5.xx 2. Download the course and demo zip file 3. Copy the Keystore and configuration 4. Copy required libraries to Tomcat form the kit folder 5. 1. Install Apache Tomcat 8.5.xx 1. Download Apache Tomcat 8.5.xx (for instance in the folder /home/ximo/MyPrograms) 2. Unzip it (for instance you get /home/ximo/MyPrograms/apache-tomcat-8.5.73 folder) 3. Open the file: /home/ximo/MyPrograms/apache-tomcat-8.5.73/conf/ tomcat-users.xml And add the following line just before </tomcat-users> <user username="tomcat" password="tomcat" roles="manager-gui"/> 4. Go to the folder  /home/ximo/MyPrograms/apache-tomcat-8.5.73/ bin   and execute  ./startup.sh  to test if tomcat runs, with chrome pointing to the url http://localhost:8080 2. Download the course and demo zip file Create a folder for storing the file to download /home/ximo/CLAVE20 Down...

32. INE, WS, Codigos Postales

Muchos Web Services de Sedipualpa requieren que se pongan direcciones cuya codificación y nomenclatura se adapte al INE. Por contra la información de la que se parte procedente de otras fuentes pueden contener el código postal y nombre del municipio y no el código INE. Pues bien, Pablo Barrachina aporta un valiosísimo fichero junto con las pertinentes indicaciones para obtenerlo en su web  y su enlace a la web el INE . Ahora solo falta como capturar esa información a Postgres y si hace falta conversión alguna de codificación. Para ello esta pregunta de stackoverflow puede ser interesante. Para incorporar este fichero a Postgres (tras quitar algunos registrso duplicados) he utilizado copy ine.codigopostal (codi_prov, codi_muni, cp, municipio) FROM '/home/informatica/Downloads/FicheroRelacion_INE_CodigoPostal.csv' DELIMITER ';' NULL AS ' ' CSV header encoding 'latin1' ;