33. Using Cl@ve (I). First steps
0. Introduction
Any mention to "ximo", should be replaced by an existing user name
1. Install Apache Tomcat 8.5.xx
2. Download the course and demo zip file
3. Copy the Keystore and configuration
4. Copy required libraries to Tomcat form the kit folder
1. Install Apache Tomcat 8.5.xx
1. Download Apache Tomcat 8.5.xx (for instance in the folder /home/ximo/MyPrograms)
2. Unzip it (for instance you get /home/ximo/MyPrograms/apache-tomcat-8.5.73 folder)
3. Open the file:
And add the following line just before </tomcat-users>
<user username="tomcat" password="tomcat" roles="manager-gui"/>
4. Go to the folder
and execute
to test if tomcat runs, with chrome pointing to the url
2. Download the course and demo zip file
Create a folder for storing the file to download
Download the "Technical Course for Cl@ve2.0" zip file and uncompress it
Uncompres the file:
/home/ximo/CLAVE20/Curso Tecnico Cl-ve 2/kit/Paquete de Integracion Java 8 2-0-2.zip
Uncompress the file:
/home/ximo/CLAVE20/Curso Tecnico Cl-ve 2/kit/Paquete de Integracion Java 8 2-0-2/Paquete_Integracion_Java_Clave_2_0.zip
3. Copy the Keystore and configuration
Create a folder
Copy the files from the folder:
/home/ximo/CLAVE20/Curso Tecnico Cl-ve 2/kit/Paquete de Integracion Java 8 2-0-2/Paquete_Integracion_Java_Clave_2_0.zip/Config
This folder contains important properties and configuration files. In addition it contains also a keystore with a certificate. Here is some interesting information about this folder:
The Keystore password is stored in the file "SignModule_SP.xml"
In my case, the password it is "local-demo".
You can inspect this keystore using the program "KeyStore Explorer"
4. Copy required libraries to Tomcat (from kit folder)
Copy all the files in the folder
/home/ximo/CLAVE20/Curso Tecnico Cl-ve 2/kit/libs_apache_tomcat
to the Tomcat's folder
1. But change the name of the libraries and remove the "00_" prefix
2. Change the name of serializar.x.x.x.jar to serializer.jar
5. Configure Environment Variables
An environment variable pointing to the configuration folder
Go to the folder
and add a file (specific for storing environment variables)
and type :
in order to get this variable added to the environment, you should restart your computer
DONT FORGET TO ADD THE TRAILER "/" to the environment variable
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